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Today feels like a Friendly Friday!

How do you feel today?

If you have ordered a copy of Step Into My Shoes: Expressions from the LGBTQ Community, you will feel a friendly bond with many of the contributors who have opened up and shared deep feelings about life as an LGBTQ person or as the friend or ally of an LGBTQ person. As an ally of the LGBTQ community, I felt a friendly bond with many of the faceless  contributors who submitted poems, letters, essays, and narratives to the anthology.

Today I walked past the magazine rack in the university library and saw Chaz Bono’s face on the copy of The Advocate. ( I stopped and looked at his face, which I had not really seen since he was Chastity Bono. He looks the same with the exception of a few extra facial pounds. More importantly, I saw a friendliness in Chaz’s eyes that has been there since childhood. I remember watching the Sonny & Cher show on TV back in the 70s when they would bring out their then cute little girl with the friendly looking eyes and smile.

For those who think anyone from the LGBTQ completes changes their entire identity when they change their sexual identity, I’m willing to bet their spirit is unchanged. If there was a friendly spirit before you knew they were lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, or queer, it is still there if you would be open-minded enough to look into the person’s eyes and see the friendly spirit that continues to make them who they are regardless of their sexual orientation.

A person’s friendly spirit can be felt as you read their sentimental writings or look into their eyes on the cover of a magazine. So, today feels like a friendly Friday as I think of my newfound friends who contributed to an anthology that represents Compassion, Equality and Humanity.

Peacefully yours,